Wednesday 28 October 2009

Tutorial - Primative Modelling Task

After learning some new basic techniques using basic shapes
I was able to create an image of a famous building (above). I created this using tools in 3DS Max which helped me to align and manipulate shapes. I used the align tool, throughout using the program, which came in very useful to create the structure of the building. It enabled me to bring shapes together perfectly to make sure there are no gaps and make sure they were correctly joined. I also used the rotating tool and the angle snap tool which enabled me to make sure the shape was at the right angle so that the structure of the building looked realistic. Another tool I used was the scale tool which enabled me to make shapes bigger or smaller or slightly change the style of the shape. Once I had created the shape I wanted to add to the building I was also able to easily manipulate the shape by holding down the shift key while the shape was selected and dragging it to copy. This enabled me to manipulate a shape several times accurately such as the columns on the buildings.

I found these techniques and tools very useful and I am slowly becoming more assured that this program can benefit me as a designer to create 3D images. I am enjoying using this program more as I learn new techniques and find out new things I can create with the program. I am eager to learn more skills and find out how to use the many other tools available on the program to expand my knowledge and skills.

Friday 16 October 2009

Research Board

This is my research board which I produced to show different aspects of biodiversity and give me ideas on the subjects and themes within biodiversity that I can use to create my stamp designs.

Biodiversity (aka "biological diversity") is a subject which comes in many different forms such as animals, insects, plants, habitats and anything that evolves around a living thing. Biodiversity unifies the three traditional levels of biological variety which are:

  • Species Diversity
  • Genetic Diversity
  • Ecosystem Diversity
An example of biodiversity on this planet is rain forests. They possess many different species and habitats because they are home to many different insects, animals, plants and many natural habitats. A coral reef is also a good example of biodiversity on the planet because it is home to lots of different sea life creatues and plants.

Initial Opinions of 3DS Max

When I first opened the 3DS Max software, I thought that the program looked quite confusing and difficult to use. I looked at the different images and options shown on the interface and was completely confused about how i would go about making a 3D image or even drawing the basic of shapes. After experimenting slightly with 3DS Max and exploring a few basic tools, I found the program slightly easier to use. I found the images on each button really difficult to understand and remember. The buttons the user can use for moving the image and zooming etc is very frustrating as there are so many different options. I believe that with more practice I will become more used to the layout of this program and the different tools which can be used. I compared this program to Adobe Photoshop which I am very familiar and comfortable with and I think that the interface of Photoshop is easier to use because I am used to where all the tools are and knowing how I can use them. For this reason I think that with a little more practice I will be more confident using 3DS Max and enjoy the software.

Initial Opinions of the Brief

After reading the brief I think that this project will be very interesting and exciting because I will be able to learn how to use different design software and how to create 3D images. I will enjoy the design side of this project because I enjoy being able to be creative and experiment with different images. I am very willing to learn how to use 3D Max because it will enable me to learn new skills and experiment with different ways of designing and creating images on a computer.