Thursday 10 December 2009

The Butterfly - Part 2

Once the butterfly was finished I looked back at it and realised that I forgot to add the butterfly's antenna. I completed the butterfly by making one antenna out of a cylinder by using the 'edit poly' modifier and I used the 'symmetry' modifier to mirror the image onto the other side of the butterfly.

You can only see the antenna on the butterfly in the rendered image below if you look really closely. Hopefully the antenna will be seen better on the final rendered image.

After I created the butterfly I had to created its habitat. For this I knew that leaves would be best as I knew how to create them through tutorials and butterflies are associated with leaves and flowers. I used past tutorials to create the leaf shown below. I used the left image for the material on the leaf and the second image is to make the parts that are not leaf transparent.

I then reshaped the leaf to make it look more realistic and to give it the crinkle effect of an autumn leaf. I needed to create a few of leaves to make it look like the butterfly was surrounded by many leaves in either a forest or a garden.

This is the rendered image of the leaf that i created for the butterfly's habitat. I also created toehr leaves to make it look like there are all different types of leaves on the floor. The renders of the other leaves are also shown below.

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