Saturday 5 December 2009

The Fish - Part 2

After I had created the basic shape of the fish I was able to focus on some of the main features such as the eyes and fins. These were quite difficult for me to do because i had to use techniques that I didn't understand.

Firstly I selected the part of the fish where i wanted the fin to appear and I used the 'Edit Poly' modifier to select 'inset' This allowed me to create a smaller box within the polygon. I then selected 'extrude' which allowed me to drag the selection outwards. The 'TurboSmooth' modifier allowed me to make the fish look rounded and smother than it was appearing as i was creating it.

I added the eyes by using the same tools and techniques;however, i used soft selection to make sure the eye looked natural. The eye balls and simple spheres which i created.

Below is the rendered image of the fish at this point.

1 comment:

  1. That's coming along really nice, it's lovely and smooth!
