Friday 4 December 2009

The Fish - Part 1

Starting this fish was very hard as I had no idea how to manipulate a shape to make it look like a fish. Luckily I found a tutorial online which has helped me with making the shape of the fish.

This is the link which I have found very useful for making the fish:

The tutorial advised me to use guidelines of each side of the fish i would like to make. For this I drew the shape of the fish that I wanted to make and then continued to draw different views of the fish. By doing this I could easily mould other sides of the fish and make sure it was in proportion as I was manipulating the shape. I then placed each picture onto a different plane and then arranged them as a fish would normally look in each viewpoint.

I then used a simple box to make the rough size of the fish and then manipulated the shape by using the 'edit poly' modifier. The box had roughly 8 segments on its longest size to make sure I could easily manipulate it without having too many point to work with. I found it very difficult to create the shape because I was unaware of the the 'symmetry' modifier tool which meant I took a lot of time trying to make sure each side of the fish was in proportion. I also totally forgot about the option to use 'soft selection' which meant I had many problems trying to shape the fish but I got there eventually.

This is the rendered version of the fish after I had created the basic shape:

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