Wednesday 4 November 2009

Tutorial - Lofting

The image shown above was the first 3D image I create using the lofting tool. This image did not come out as I expected because I made the cross section too big. This made each layer of the coil integrate which was not expected. So I made another attempt at using the lofting tool which is shown below.

I created this by using two simple shapes. Firstly I created a helix to create the basic shape of the swirling coil and made it into the shape and size I was happy with. I then changed the parameters of the helix to a bias of -0.5 and the number of turns to 3 or 4. From this I had the basic shape of the helix and all I needed to do was create a cross section to make the shape bolder and appear in 3D. I drew a small circle which represented the boldness that the swirl was going to appear. I then selected the lofting tool from the geometry section and selected 'Get Shape' and clicked on the shape to make it look appear bolder and in 3D as shown below.

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